Our practice hosts the following services and clinics:
- Antenatal clinic -Our local hospitals ask that you self-refer for antenatal care at Guys and St Thomas Hospitals. There is no need to see a GP unless you have a specific concern.
- Asthma clinic
- Baby clinic
- Cardiac health promotion NHS health checks
- Cervical cytology screening
- Child health surveillance (CHS)
- Counselling
- Diabetes clinic
- Family planning clinic
- GP consultations
- Leg ulcers
- NHS Health Checks – For patients over 40 years old. These require you to have some blood tests done and then see the practice nurse to complete the Check Antenatal clinic
- Postnatal clinic
- Smoking advice
- Travel health
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- Well man clinic
- Well woman clinic including maternity services
To attend one of these clinics please ring our reception on 020 7703 4550.
Long Term Conditions (LTC) reviews
If you have a long term condition like asthma (Asthma - NHS (www.nhs.uk) , diabetes Diabetes - NHS (www.nhs.uk) or arthritis, it is essential that we regularly see you to review your condition.
When you come to the practice, you can talk with a clinical team member about how you are getting on and any medication you are taking.
The aim is to make sure your condition is being controlled as well as possible and to identify any areas where we can make changes to help you. This might include changes to the type or dosage of medication and check any equipment you might use, like inhalers, are working effectively.
We aim to review most long term conditions every 12months. When it is time for your review, the practice team will be in touch about making an appointment.
Family Planning Clinic
Coil and Implants fitting service is provided by Dr C Furness and Dr Vilcassim and Nurse Tracy are both currently on training. Book appointment with nurse first to discuss option. However should you wish to explore further; visit these websites Contraception - NHS (www.nhs.uk) or http://www.fpa.org.uk/
Smoking Service:
Stopping smoking can be one of the most important health decisions you make!
We strongly advise you to quit smoking, it can lead to many health problems including cancer, heart disease, lung disease and strokes.
Southwark Stop Smoking Service provides free, confidential one-to-one stop-smoking support which is available in-person or via the telephone service 0333 005 0159 (Hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 7:00pm, Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm). More details from Get help to stop smoking - Southwark Council
The NHS have produced “Smokefree”, a dedicated service to inform everyone of the dangers of smoking, the benefits to giving up and how they can help you kick the habit.
QUIT is the independent charity whose aim is to save lives by helping smokers to stop. Smokers wanting to QUIT should call 0800 00 22 00 or email stopsmoking@quit.org.uk for free, individual, same-day advice from trained counsellors